quarta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2010

Feliz Ano Novo

Renew it takes!

The Universe is pure movement and is in constant renewal.

In nature everything is renewed every moment.

This is the law!
The principle of renewal are subject to natural law of life.

We all and all in constant motion and change, although there is among human beings who are still resistant to change and who go against the laws of nature and choose to remain in stagnation.

Life is an access route for the growth and evolution of species, particularly the Human kingdom, the universe always has the means to promote and assist us in the process of growth and evolution.

Situations arise in every instance by providing opportunities for all.
We need to make decisions and have the courage to go fight and stop waiting for happiness without effort.

Not demanding of others what we often do not. We must lay aside the criticism, invest seriously in our work towards our growth and achievement for us to be happy and also bring happiness to the world, not forgetting that all opportunities are given to us by the Universe.

Let us give thanks for life and all we have in life. All Even! Even the difficulties and adversities that present themselves, which are nothing more than the great opportunities of testing how much we can do.

No one can move toward the new one remains blocked, contaminated by old and do not get a chance. See change as a rung higher on the ladder that you climb in life.

Time waits for no one.

Make yourself your time, move while you can, because if you do not make a decision at any one time, or some fact or circumstance may handle the process and make changes and transformations in your life.

The responsibility towards life is individual and nontransferable. You can and is able! Test yourself! Have courage! Write yourself in the book of your life, make it a work of art.

Love forever unrewarded! Look for Wake on high ideals. Respect everyone and everything regardless of what they think and what they do. For us not to judge anyone, and each will answer for his own life before a Law of Life.

Help those in need, and always have a word of encouragement and courage to your neighbor. Plant trees, flowers, take care of nature, animals, rivers, finally, respect the planet we live and who so generously offers you everything you need. Do not forget you too can be a winner!

Happy New Year!

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